Propofol (2, 6- diisopropylphenol)

  • Mechanism of Action: Facilitates inhibitory neurotransmission by enhancing the function (GABAA) receptors in CNS.
  • Pharmacokinetics: Hepatic and extrahepatic metabolism leads to inactive metabolites which are excreted by renal route.
  • Pharmacodynamics:
    • CNS: Induction: rapid onset of unconsciousness (30 to 45 seconds), followed by a rapid termination of effect by redistribution.
    • Cardiovascular System: Dose-dependent ↓ in preload, afterload, and contractility lead to ↓ in (BP) and COP.
    • Respiratory System: Dose-dependent decrease in (RR) and (TV). ↓Ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercarbia.
  • Advantages:
    • Antiemetic properties.
    • Suitable for day case surgery.
    • Situations where volatile anesthetics cannot be used (MH).
    • No histamine release.