Confirm, Tenderness, Temp, Size, attachment, mobility, Consistency, edges, surface, pulsation, Transillumination, compressibility
Confirm the inspection (site –use the bone prominence as landmark, shape)
Tenderness (the swelling and surroundings) (and look to the patient face)
Temperature (mass and the surrounding tissue) (by the dorsum of the hand, and compare up/down, Rt/Lt)
Size: measure by ruler in 2 dimensions
Attachment (superficial-skin or deep-muscle, how to defrentiate? ask patient to use muscle, to determine attachment, by asking to contract muscle, by flexing; if mass disappeared, then its attached to the muscles); if not attached could be subcutanous, skin, or otherwise.
Mobility (up/down)
Consistency (Vary from soft to stony), Fluctuation; usually when mass has fluids
Edges (regular/irregular, sharp/rounded)
Surface (ex; smooth, rough, cobblestone)
Pulsation (CC) (artery lesion) expansile pulsation; if hands moves or (Related to artery) transmit pulsation; if lump moves.
Transillumination (should be in dark room) filled with fluid; with no internal tissue structure
Compressibility / Reducibility (compressible: lump disappear on pressure ; Hemingioma and reappear on release , Reducible: Lump reappears only after application of another force ex, inguinal hernia)