Case of Graves’ Disease
- This file contains 4 case scenarios with their answers
A 41-year old female presented with a breast lump. onset? painful or not? bilatual or unilatu?
Q1: Mention 3 relevant questions you will ask regarding history of present illness. Answer: Change in lump during menstrual cycle Family history of breast cancer Progression of the lump, discharge from nipple
Q2: Mention 2 initially required diagnostic radiological investigations in this case?
Answer: Mammogram U/S
Q3: How to confirm the definitive diagnosis in this patient? Answer:
FNA Core Biopsy
Q4: Mention the specific management for a fibroadenoma breast lump Answer: Reassure if less than 4cm If large excision
Case 2:
Patient had signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism blah blah blah. It is obvious, doctors.
Q1) Write your most likely endocrine diagnosis? Hypothyroidism
Q2) Write 5 signs or symptoms of hypothyroidism? Goiter, bradycardia, lethargic status, pretibial myxedema, dry skin with brittle nails
Q3) Name 2 LABORATORY investigations you will perform? Thyroid function tests (tsh, t3, t4) and serology tests (auto antibodies findings)
Q4) Name 2 possible causes of hypothyroidism? Hashimoto thyroidits and total thyroidectomy
1- What is your diagnosis? Lid retraction.
2- Give a disease that patient will have this finding? Graves’ disease
Stepwise thyroid palpation
Permission, privacy, precautions
Vital signs
Appropriate exposure and position
Tracheal position from front
Then move to back palpate the lobes and ask the patient to swallow and protrude the tongue and comment on swelling
Then palpate all lymph nodes groups(submental, submandibular, pre and post auricular, anterior and posterior cervical, supra and infra clavicular, occipital)
Thank the patient
Inspection of the left breast of a 55 year-female has shown
Q1: What is the abnormality? peau d’orange and nipple retraction, change in skin color
Q2: What is the most likely cause and how to confirm? Breast carcinoma, core needle biopsy
Q3: how to clinically examine Inspection & Palpation- Patient lying on 45 degree position. Take permission, check privacy, and expose both breasts. Start palpation by palmar surface of hand in a circular manner from inside to outside to cover the all 4 quadrants including the nipple. Palpate the axilla
Abnormality breast abcess in upper outer quadrant
Treatment Incision and drainage + antibiotics
Common microorganism Staphylococcus aureus