Sequence of Cardiovascular Examination

General observations -

Breathless at rest, cyanosis

  1. Hands - Temperature, peripheral cyanosis, splinter haemorrhages, tar staining, xanthomata

  2. Radial pulse - Rate, rhythm, collapsing

  3. Arm - Blood pressure, brachial pulse waveform

  4. Eyes - Arcus, xanthelasma, anaemia

  5. Face - Malar flush

  6. Lips and tongue - Central cyanosis

  7. Neck - JVP, carotid pulse

  8. Chest-Inspection - Scars, pulsations Palpation - Apex, thrils, heaves-Auscultation - Heart sounds, added sounds, murmurs, carotid bruits, basal crepitations

    Other - Radiofemoral synchrony, peripheral pulses, oedema, pulsatile liver, urinalysis

So proceed in an orderly fashion:

    • General Examination (Related one)  Always proceed in an orderly fashion  Follow these steps when examining the heart
      • Inspect
      • Palpate
      • Auscultate
    • Blood vessel exam
    • Heart Examination (Note: Percussion is omitted when examining the heart.
  • Vital Signs - Note BP (both arms), T, RR, HR, 02, pain level
  • General - Note patient’s general appearance
  • Signs of heart failure in other organs (lungs, liver, lower limbs)
  • Fundus examination (arterial changes, haemorrhages, exudates and paliloedema) in arterial hypertension


  1. Inspection CVS
  2. Palpation CVS
  3. Percussion - not routinely done
  4. Auscultation CVS


Examination of eyes