General Examination
Obese, respiratory distress, Blood Pressure, oxygen saturation, Pulse, CVS evaluation; heart, carotid, abdominal aorta, peripheral vessels
Inspection of extremities
- ***Exposure both limbs & Position
- Skin color; Shiny skin in ischemia, edema etc…- compare both limbs
- Pallor when elevated; Vascular Angle
- Rubor on dependency
- Venous filling - guttering of veins in ischemia; lifting leg - pallor, standing sudden redness; due inflammatory process
- Ulceration - tip of toe, in between, hidden places to exclude
- discloration - patchces of gangrea
- Pulsatile masses (popliteal, Femoral)
- Thickening of nail & skin, loss of leg hair; feature of ischemia