Lateral Swellings

A- swelling in the submandibular triangle

  • Enlarged submandibular LNs.
  • Enlarged submandibular salivary gland.

B-Swelling in carotid triangle Solid swelling

  • Enlarged upper deep cervical LNs.
  • The upper part of an enlarged lateral lobe of the thyroid gland. It moves up with deglutition.
  • Carotid body tumor. Rare, slowly growing, moves from side to side but not vertically, showing transmitted pulsations

Cystic swelling

  • Cold abscess:
    • usually in children and young adult, it is cystic and fluctuant with dusky skin.
    • It is slightly warm and slightly tender.
    • There may be manifestations of T.B in other parts of the body.
  • Branchial cyst:
    • Remnants of embryonic development .
    • Usually appears at the age of 20 years, deep to upper 1/3 of sternomastoid protruding beneath its anterior border,
  • Cystic swelling in the upper part of an enlarged lateral lobe of the thyroid gland.