Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Children under age of 9 to 10 years, showing persistently negativistic, provocative and disruptive behaviour.
The more aggressive conduct disorders are not present, general law and rights of other people are respected.
This type of behaviour is often directed towards a new member of the family - i.e. step father.
Conduct Disorders
- Conduct disorders are diagnosed when the child shows persistent and serious dissocial or aggressive behavior patterns, such as:
- Excessive fighting or bullying
- Cruelty to animals or other people
- Destructiveness to property
- Stealing
- Lying
- Truancy from school
- Running away from home
Family situation should be consider and its relation to the child’s disorder. The family therapy is necessary to enhance emotional support and understanding.
In the cases of dysfunctional families, abused or neglected children, an adoptive homes, foster care or supervised residence is recommended.
Court intervention is required for the placement.