Palpate the abdomen

Ask if they have any pain or tenderness: be particularly careful if they have. Look at the patient’s face whilst examining for any tenderness or pain. Palpate lightly with fingertips ± ulnar border of index finger and then more deeply. Palpate all areas of the abdomen.

Any masses or other abnormalities should be assessed in great detail for size, position, shape, consistency, location, edge, mobility with respiration and pulsatility.  

  • Is there any tenderness? If so, define the area with care.
  • Any rigidity?
  • Is there rebound tenderness? (pain on quick removal of examining hand – some clinicians prefer to use percussion to minimize pain).
  • Is there guarding?

  • Palpation o this patient’s abdominal wall (A) during the
  • course o an abdominal examination resulted in abdominal wall pitting
  • edema as exemplif ed by the examiner’s hand imprint