A-SH-Containing: - Captopril - Zofinopril The sulfhydryl group (-SH) present in captopril may be responsible for the immunological side effects e.g. angioedema, taste changes, skin rash, leukopenia
B-Non SH-Containing: - Enalapril - Fosinopril - Lisinopril - Benazepril
Mechanism of action:
They inhibit Ang-converting enzyme (ACE) leading to:
- Inhibition of Ang-2 formation in the heart, blood vessels, and tissues.
- Prevent degradation of bradykinin which is a potent VD. So, ACEIs have direct VD action to both arteries and veins. Â
Pharmacological effects:
They ↓ BP mainly by decreasing peripheral resistance.
They ↓ the left ventricular mass and wall thickening after myocardial infarction because they prevent myocyte cell proliferation and collagen synthesis (i.e. prevent cardiac remodeling).
They maintain cerebral and coronary blood flow.
- They ↓ proteinuria in mild renal impairment and diabetic patients.
- They ↑ RBF.
Therapeutic uses:
- Hypertension:
- Congestive heart failure (CHF):
- Post-infarction ventricular remodeling: To ↓ mass and wall thickness of the left ventricle through:
- Diabetic nephropathy and microalbuminuria:
Side effects: CAPTOPRIL
C Cough and bronchospasm: inhibition of ACE leads to accumulation of bradykinin, which cause bronchial irritation and constriction. - Prevention: by administration of NSAIDs (e.g. aspirin) to ↓ bradykinin synthesis
A Angioedema (edema of the face and throat): due to accumulation of bradykinin or due to autoimmune reaction. It may be fatal. Â
P :Proteinuria in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis.
T Taste changes: temporary loss of taste (ageusia and dysgeusia).
O Orthostatic (First dose) hypotension: especially in sodium depleted patients. - Prevention: the first dose must be small and at bedtime then increase gradually. Â Â - P Pregnancy: teratogenesis (fetal pulmonary hypoplasia and growth retardation)
R skin Rash
I Increased K+ (hyperkalemia). - betablockers increases them (may result in heart attack when combine)
L Leukopenia (neutropenia) Â Â
- Hypotension.Â
- Severe renal failure (serum creatinine > 3 mg/dl).
- Bilateral renal artery stenosis or stenosis in a solitary kidney. - aggravation of renal failure in both kidneys. As angiotensm II play a role in maintaining renal perfusion.
- Pregnancy and lactation: they may cause fetal pulmonary hypoplasia and growth retardation.
- Hyperkalemia.
- Neutropenia or thrombocytopenia.
- Severe anemia: as they may cause bone marrow depression.
- Immune problems: e.g. autoimmune diseases and with immunosuppressive drugs.
- Initial dose should be small and at bedtime to avoid 1st dose hypotension.
- Frequent monitoring of kidney functions (serum creatinine) one week after treatment and then every 3 months.
- Frequent monitoring of serum K+.
- Avoid use with K+ sparing diuretics to avoid severe hyperkalemia.
- Mention other contraindications…….
List First pass hypertension drugs?
Should be used within 24 hr. They reduce ventricular remodeling after infraction leading to reduction in risk of heart failure. \