Presentation Mark

  • Topic: (Depression)
  • Students will present on a topic for 10 minutes
  • DATE:
  • St, Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Presentation Skills: 6 Mark Given Note
    1. Timing & skeleton: Starting (Attention G), delivering &Ending 1
    2. Clearly communicates the subject matter 1
    3. Uses audio visuals appropriately 1
    4. Language & Voice 1
    5. Displays enthusiasm 1
    6. Remains focused on topic 1
  • Content/Organization: 8
    1. Clearly explains objectives of the lesson 1
    2. Understanding of the material presented 1
    3. Well organized and flows logically 1
    4. Enough essential information to effectively evaluate 1
    5. Clear and logical examples 1
    6. Summary 1
    7. References 1
    8. Validates students’ questions and comments 1
  • Total Presentation Mark 14

Presentation Mark Distribution

  • Topic:
  • Students will present on a topic for 10 minutes
  • DATE:
  • Academic Number
  • Topics should include: Epidemiology, Manifestations, Diagnosis and Management
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • List Serial #
  • Presentation Skills: Mark Given Note
    1. Starting (Attention Graper) 3
    2. Clearly communicates the subject matter 3
    3. Uses audio visuals appropriately 3
    4. Language & Voice 3
    5. Displays enthusiasm delivering 3
    6. Remains focused on topic 3
    7. Timing & &Ending skeleton: 3
    8. Attitude 3
  • Content/Organization: 24
    1. Clearly explains objectives of the lesson 3
    2. Understanding of the material presented 3
    3. Well organized and flows logically 3
    4. Enough essential information to effectively evaluate 3
    5. Clear and logical examples 3
    6. Summary 3
    7. References 3
    8. Validates students’ questions and comments 3
  • Total Presentation Mark 48
  • Evaluator’s name: Khaldoun Marwa, MD
  • Total Grand (Skill) /48
  • Signature:
  • Mark Given (Skill /8
  • Presentation script /6
  • Final total /14