Cluster A
- Refers to a pattern of behavior that is generally viewed as odd or eccentric.
- Tend to isolate themselves and/or be suspicious.
- Pattern of social isolation can be traced into childhood.
- Seldom seek treatment.
- Pervasive mistrust and/or suspiciousness of others.
- They may suspect others of having malevolent motives;
- Be preoccupied with concerns about others;
- Be reluctant to confide in others;
- Be extremely sensitive to perceived criticisms and/or bear grudges against others.
- Characterized by a general detachment from social relationships.
- Restricted range of emotional expressions.
- Consistently prefer isolation to social relationships, generally have few interests.
- Seldom engage in intimate relationships.
- Described as cold or emotionless.
- Restricted interpersonal relationships
- Marked peculiarities in thinking and perception.
- Similar but not as severe as one diagnosed with schizophrenia.
- Ideas of reference vs. delusions of reference.