
A53-year old female presented with a neck swelling.

Q1: Mention 5 relevant questions you will ask this patient regarding history of present illness. Answer:

  • How did she notice it?
  • Is it painful or not?
  • Does it affect the breathing, swallowing?
  • Any change of skin color or discharge?
  • Does it move with swallowing?

Q2: Mention a method to assess for retrosternal extension of neck swelling during clinical examination? Answer: By percussion over the sternum; it will be dull.

Q3: Mention TWO initially required diagnostic tools in this case? Answer: labs order TFT (TSH,T3,T4), also chest x-ray and ultrasound, TSH / TFT

Q4: Mention Two examples of swellings located at the anterior neck triangle? Answer: goiter (as due to hyper or hypothyroidism), lymphadenopathy, thyroglossal cyst.

  • Thyroglossal duct cyst
  • Dermoid cyst
  • Ranula
  • Submental lymph node

Q5) Mention 2 complications of total thyroidectomy? Answer

  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Recurrent Laryngeal nerve injury
  • Hemorrhage which can compromise patient’s airway
  • Infection

Since when?


1- 5 Presenting Features

  1. Lymphadenopathy: cervical, mediastinal, inguinal
  2. B-symptoms: fever, night sweat, weight loss
  3. Pain with alcohol drinking
  4. Chest pain due to mediastinal masses
  5. Pruritis
  6. Splenomegaly
  7. Hepatomegaly

2- Diagnostic Investigations x2

  1. Bone marrow: cytology and histology
  2. CXR
  3. ESR

3- Staging Tests x2

  1. PET
  2. CT

4- Management Options

  1. Chemotherapy: rituximab, methotrexate
  2. Radiotherapy
  3. Surgical resection


A 35-year male presented with this swelling (arrow) which he noticed 3 months back.

Q1: What are 3 important physical signs you will elicit on the palpation of this swelling? Answer:

  • Tenderness
  • Attachment
  • Consistency

Q2: Mention 3 differential diagnoses. Answer:

  • Parotid abscess
  • Salivary gland tumor
  • Branchial cyst

Q3: What 2 imaging investigations may be helpful in the diagnosis? Answer:

  • U/S
  • CT/MRI

Q4: How would you establish a diagnosis? Answer:

  • By history, examination and imaging results (Double check the answer)


Discharge foot wound • Question you want to ask in history?

  • Duration of symptoms,
  • what kind of discharge,
  • Ass. sx?
  • fever,
  • if it was healed before,
  • previous trauma?
  • previous amputation

• Management? Local wound care Debride infected necrotic devitalized

Sister Marry Joseph Nodule

1- What is the diagnosis? Surgical site infection.

  • 2- What is the most likely causative organism? Staphylococcus aureus.

3- What is the management 4 steps?

  • Remove the sutures and send for C/S.,
  • Incision and drain the pus.,
  • Topical antibiotic.,
  • Daily dressing.

Five days post abdominal surgery the given patient complained of right lower limb pain and swelling.

Q1: What is your diagnosis? DVT

Q2: How to confirm the diagnosis? Doppler US & angiogram

The listed patient has presented with left neck swelling for 6 months.

Q1: What is the best initial radiological investigation in this case? Ultrasound

Q2: List FOUR possible causes of this lesion? 

  • Branchial cyst,
  • Salivary gland tumor,
  • Carotid body tumor,
  • Lymphadenopathy

A young female was seen with this scar 3-month post abdominal surgery.

Q1: What is the abnormality? Hypertrophic scar

Q2: What is the treatment? No need for treatment, unless Pt want (by laser excision or corticosteroid injection)

A 55-year male has presented with this reducible inguinal swelling for 6 months.

Q1: What is the most likely cause? Weakness in abdominal wall due to ↑ Intraabdominal pressure → hug out chronic chr strain; obstruction of the bowel

Q2: Mention TWO possible complications? Obstruction, Strangulation

A 55-year male has presented with this right inguinal swelling for 6 months

Q1: What is the most likely diagnosis? Inguinal hernia

Q2: Mention the definitive treatment. Surgical repair w mesh

Describe what you see diagnosis and management

Carbuncle with multiple opening

I&D, Augmentin, Cruciate incision

Q1/ What is your diagnosis? Paraumbilical hernia

Q2/ mention 4 complication? Bowel obstruction, strangulation, peritonitis, sepsis

Q3/ what is the management? Surgical repair w mesh

Diabetic patient presented with painless foot lesion

Q1-Describe what you see in the picture?
• As u learn in DF examination
• (Site size shape margin edge floor …etc.) in sole of foot irregular margin round in shape reddish colour

Q2-Give two factors that play roll in the pathogenesis
• Neuropathy
• Antipathy

Q3- most common complication this pt may have ?
• Infection
• Necrosis

What do you see? Ulcer over plantar surface of right foot just below big toe - most likely is trophic ulcer

Two factors pathogenesis Neuropathy, and vasculo/angiopath; ischemia

Complications Osteomyelitis, Charcot foot

A view lower back young male who complained discomfort & recurrent purulent discharge

Diagnosis Perianal fistula

Treatment Fistulectomy seton procedure

clinical finding in patient compained of perianal pain, and swelling for 2 days

diagnosis Perianal Abcess

Management I/D + antibiotic

One year post- laparotomy, abdominal inspection has shown

Q1: What is the detected abnormality? Incisional hernia

Q2: Mention the definitive management? Surgical repair of hernia and mesh

What is the diagnosis? Peri-anal abscess

Management plan includes (mention three):

  1. Incision & drainage (+c/s).
  2. Antibiotics
  3. Daily dressing