
Contraction power of the ventricle is reduced. So less blood is pumped out during systole, so stroke vol. (SV) is decreased, cardiac output (CO) is low, and ejection fraction (E.F.) is reduced.

So, in Systolic heart failure:

  • Low stroke vol
  • Low cardiac output
  • Low ejection fraction

Systolic heart failure is also called heart failure with reduced E.F (HFrEF)

Example: End diastolic vol: 300 cc Stroke vol: 100 cc (heart is weak) EF: 100 x 100 / 300 = 33% (let’s say normal is 170 x 100 / 300 = 56%)

FeatureSystolic Heart FailureDiastolic Heart Failure
Stroke VolumeLowLow
Cardiac OutputLowLow
Ejection FractionLowNormal
![[Heart Failure-20240820093912766.webp567]]