Relation of the Pharynx
- Posteriorly: Vertebral column, prevertebral muscle, and fascia
- Anteriorly: Nasal cavity, mouth, larynx
- Superiorly: Sphenoid and base of skull
- Inferiorly: Continuous with esophagus

Parapharyngeal Space
- Description: Potential space lateral to the pharynx, triangular in cross-section
- Extent: From the base of the skull to the apex of the hyoid bone
- Walls:
- Anteromedial: Buccopharyngeal fascia
- Posteromedial: Cervical vertebrae, prevertebral muscle, and fascia
- Lateral: Mandible, pterygoid muscle, parotid gland (upper); sternomastoid muscle (lower)

Contents of Parapharyngeal Space
- Prestyloid: Internal maxillary artery, fat, inferior alveolar, lingual, and auriculotemporal nerves
- Poststyloid: Neurovascular bundle (carotid artery, internal jugular vein, sympathetic chain, CN IX, X, XI)
Retropharyngeal Space
- Extent: From the base of the skull to the superior mediastinum
- Location: Behind the pharynx
- Anterior: posterior pharyngeal wall and its covering buccopharyngeal fascia
- Posterior: cervical vertebrae and muscles and fascia
- Contents: Retropharyngeal lymph nodes