
Extra-axial hemorrhage: (blood extending along the inner skull table = hemorrhage outside the brain parenchyma) - Epidural hematoma - Subdural hematoma - Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Intra-axial lesions: (hemorrhage inside the brain parenchyma ) - Cortical contusion - Brainstem injury - Intra Ventricular Hemorrhage - IVH


Clinical features of TBI: 

depend on the severity, type, and location of brain injury. Impaired consciousness is common in severe TBI, whereas patients with mild TBI may only present with transient confusion and headache.

Intracranial Hemorrhage (ccx)

  • Acute hematoma ( Hyperdense)
  • Subacute hematoma ( Isodense)
  • Chronic hematoma ( Hypodense)