• Depends mainly on signs & symptoms (psychopathology).
  • Rarely we use external validation; lab tests, brain imaging, …
  • Clinical skills are essential.

1. Dimensional Classification

  • Diagnosing individual patients by giving scores on separate dimensions.
    • e.g. Psychoticism, neuroticism, introversion and extroversion

2. Multiaxial Approach

  • Applied to schemes of classifications in which two or more separate sets of information are coded
    • e.g. DSM, ICD


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

  • Published in 2013 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA),
  • The official psychiatric coding system used in the United States.
  • The first edition (DSM-I) appeared in 1952.
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders
    1. Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
    2. Bipolar and Related Disorders
    3. Depressive Disorders
    4. Anxiety Disorders
    5. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
    6. Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders
    7. Dissociative Disorders
    8. Somatic Symptom Disorders
    9. Feeding and Eating Disorders
    10. Elimination Disorders
    11. Sleep-Wake Disorders
    12. Sexual Dysfunctions
    13. Gender Dysphoria
    14. Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders
    15. Substance Use and Addictive Disorders (including gambling)
    16. Neurocognitive Disorders
    17. Personality Disorders
    18. Paraphilic Disorders

The number of total disorders in DSM-5 has not increased significantly, but some disorders have now had their importance recognized by being allocated separate chapter headings (e.g., Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). The chapter on Neurodevelopmental Disorders is a new heading containing autism spectrum disorders, intellectual development disorder, and attention/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The chapter on Substance Use & Addictive Behaviours will now include gambling disorder. The importance of both Bipolar Disorder and Depressive Disorders is recognized by them being allocated to separate chapters.

Multi Axial System

  • Axis I: Psychiatric Diagnosis (Mood disorder due to hypothyroidism, with depressive features)
  • Axis II: Personality disorders (No diagnosis / Histrionic personality features)
  • Axis III: General Medical Conditions (Hypothyroidism)
  • Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems (Stresses): Familial / Educational
  • Axis V: Global assessment of functioning (GAF): GAF = 45 (on admission)


  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

    • 5th Edition, Latest edition.
    • American Psychiatric Association.
  • The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders:

    • Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines
    • Edition by: WHO