- Mania
- Level I evidence, but (C) due to s/e, drug interactions
- Bipolar depression
- Prophylaxis
- Half-life is ultimately 5-26 hours
- Metabolized by the liver
- Protein bound
- Carbamazepine induces the CYP 450 enzyme system, resulting in:
- Decreased neuroleptic level
- Decreased benzodiazepines
- Decreased TCA
- Decreased anti-convulsants
- Auto-induction
Side Effects
- Diplopia
- Blurred vision
- Fatigue, drowsiness
- Ataxia, dizziness
- Nausea, vomiting
- Less common
- Rashes
- Decreased WBC
- Decreased platelets
- Increased LFTs
- Hyponatremia
Adverse Reactions
- Idiosyncratic, rare:
- Agranulocytosis
- Aplastic anemia
- Hepatic failure
- Exfoliative dermatitis (Stevens-Johnson Syndrome)
- Pancreatitis
- Toxicity symptoms:
- Dizziness
- Ataxia
- Sedation
- Diplopia
- Stupor, coma, decreased LOC, convulsions
- Workup before starting
- History and Physical
- CBC with diff, platelets
- LFT’s
- Start at 100 mg BID
- Increase by 200 mg q5d with levels
- 800-1000 mg/day
- Range: 200-1800 mg
Follow up
- Therapeutic levels not established
- We use same as for seizure
- 17-42 μmol/L
- Labwork
- CBC, platelets q2weeks for first 2 months
- LFT’s
- Then q3months along with carbamazepine levels