1. Neuropraxia

  • Description: Reversible conduction block due to moderate pressure on the nerve.
  • Impact: No damage to axons or endoneural sheaths.
  • Recovery: Spontaneously recovers in 1-4 weeks.

2. Wallerian Degeneration

a. Axonotmesis

  • Description: Degeneration of nerve axons with intact endoneural sheaths.
  • Regeneration: Axons regrow at 1mm/day.
  • Recovery: Spontaneous recovery in about 2-3 months, may be incomplete.

b. Neurotmesis

  • Description: Degeneration of both axon and endoneural sheaths.
  • Consequences: Regenerating axons become misaligned, causing synkinesis (e.g., mouth movement with eye closure) and crocodile tears (lacrimation during eating).
  • Recovery: Clinical improvement begins in 3-4 months, usually incomplete.
  • Note: Complete transection of the nerve, including the epineurial sheath, is severe with limited hope for useful regeneration unless the nerve ends are properly approximated.