id: 1

ABG Analysis

  • pH = 7.202 (7.35 - 7.45)
  • PaCO2 = 19.8 mmHg (38 - 42 mmHg)
  • PaO2 = 86.6 mmHg (75 – 100 mmHg)
  • HCO3 = 7.4 mmol/L (22 – 28 mmol/L)
  • BE = -18 mmol/L (-2 to +2 mmol/L)
  • Sat = 91.5 % (95 - 100%)


  1. Describe abnormal findings in the arterial blood gases test?
    • Low pH
    • Low PaCO2
    • Low HCO3
    • Low Sat
  2. What is the likely diagnosis?
    • Metabolic acidosis
  3. Mention 2 possible causes?
    • DKA
    • Diarrhea
    • Renal tubular acidosis

Respiratory Alkalosis

What are the blood gas findings? pH 7.48, pCO2 2.9 kPa, pO2 15.5 kPa, Cl- 100 mM, Na+ 142 mM, K+ 3.2 mM, HCO3- 17 mM.

What is the likely diagnosis? Respiratory alkalosis.

What are the possible causes? Early pneumonia, asthma, mechanical ventilation, psychogenic causes, and drugs like salicylate poisoning.


pH abnormality ? Acute respiratory acidosis DDx? severe pneumonia, severe asthma, COPD


pH abnormality ? Metabolic alkalosis DDx? Vomiting


Q1. What is the cause of this baby’s jaundice? Hemolysis due to ABO incompatibility. Q2. What are the complications? Anemia, kernicterus . Q3. What is the treatment ? Blood transfusion, Phototherapy, Exchange transfusion.


Describe 2 abnormalities in the results of serum electrolyte ? Hyponatremia and hyperkalaemia Mention the likely diagnosis? CAH Q3.What are other relevant investigations ? Cortisol level, ACTH level, karyotype Q4. What are the main outlines of treatment for such baby? Cortisol and mineralocorticoid


Diagnosis ? Combined respiratory and Metabolic acidosis.