• When did you notice the swelling?
  • How did you noticed the lump? (? Pain, incidental, noticed by some one else, …)
  • Where? (in general)
  • Onset? (ex; after trauma, wound, spontaneous, …) 
  • Duration (rapid & recent swelling usually inflammatory)
  • Size of the swelling 
  • Associations (pain, discharges, skin changes over it, movement limitation)
  • Is there any other swellings?
  • Changes with time? (size, shape, color, pain, …) 
  • Discharges (if positive; ask about color, quantity, consistency, smell)
  • Demographic data
  • Chief complain
  • History of presenting symptoms 
  • Past medical History 
  • Past surgical History 
  • Medication History 
  • Family History 
  • Social History 
  • Systemic review