Femoral hernia
- Projects through femoral ring and passes down the femoral canal (1.25 cm)
- Appears, to lie in front of inguinal ligament
Clinical features of Femoral hernia
- Groin swelling - often small
- Groin pain on exercise
- Often irreducible due to its curved course
- Sometimes difficult to distinguish with IH
- Examination: Put a finger tip over pubic tubercle (How to find it?) IH- above & medial FH- below & lateral
- Obstruction, strangulation rate high (40%)
Differential diagnosis- Femoral herniaZZ
- Lymphadenopathy : Cloquet’s node
- Saphenous varix- thrill on cough, disappears on lying down
- Inguinal hernia
- Ectopic testis
- Psoas abscess
- Femoral aneurysm
- Soft tissue neoplasms as lipoma
more desposed to strangluation