Types of Injuries
- Direct injuries (blows)
- Penetration (open)
- Burns (inhalation, corrosive fluids)
- Inhalation foreign bodies
- Prolonged intubation
- Blind intubation
- Too large tub
- Intubation Injuries
- Abrasion ► granulomatous formation ….subglottic stenosis
- Symptoms: Hoarseness, dyspnea
Pathology and Treatment
- Pathology:
- Voice rest
- Endoscopic removal
- Prevention
- Treatment:
Vocal Fold Lesions Secondary to Vocal Abuse and Trauma
Vocal Nodules (Singer’s Nodules)
- At junction of anterior 1/3 and mid 1/3
- Treatment:
- Voice therapy
- Surgical excision (microlaryngoscopy)
Vocal Fold Polyp
- Middle and anterior 1/3, free edge, unilateral
- Mucoid, hemorrhagic
- Treatment:
- Surgical excisionz
- Surgical excisionz
Vocal Fold Cyst
- Congenital dermoid cyst
- Mucus retention cyst
- Treatment:
- Surgical excision
- Surgical excision
Reinke’s Edema
- Treatment:
- Voice rest, stop smoking, anti-reflux therapy
- Surgical excision