Cognition = المعرفة Thought, form & content
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, form & content
Formal thought disorder اضطراب شكل الأفكار
1- Formal thought disorder اضطراب شكل الأفكار
Disturbance in the form rather than the content of thought
Types of Formal thought disorders:
Flight of ideas
Flight of ideas تَشارُدُ الأَفكار Rapid, continuous verbalizations or plays on words produce constant shifting from one idea to another
Circumstantiality إسهاب = إطناب Indirect speech that is delayed in reaching the point but eventually gets from original point to desired goal
Blocking إحصار Abrupt interruption in the train of thinking before a thought or an idea is finished
Incoherence لا تَرَابُط Communication that is disconnected, disorganized, or incomprehensible.
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Content thought disorder اضطراب المحتوى المعرفي
Content thought disorder اضطراب المحتوى المعرفي
Ideations التفكير ( suicidal or homicidal)
Preoccupation انهماك
Overvalued idea
Overvalued idea مبالغة
Delusion الضلالات
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Preoccupation of thought انشغال انهماك
Preoccupation of thought انشغال انهماك Centering of thought content on a particular idea, associated with a strong affective tone, such as a paranoid trend or a suicidal or homicidal preoccupation
Overvalued idea فكرة مبالغ فيها
Overvalued idea فكرة مبالغ فيها False or unreasonable belief or idea that is sustained beyond the bounds of reason. It is held with less intensity or duration than a delusion, but is usually associated with mental illness
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Obsession الوساوس
Obsession الوساوس Persistent and recurrent idea, image, or impulse that cannot be eliminated from consciousness by logic or reasoning
- Repetitive متكررة
- Ridiculous سخيفة
- iRrisistable لا تقاوم
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Delusions الضلالات = الوهام
Delusions الضلالات = الوهام False belief, based on incorrect inference about external reality, that is firmly held despite objective and obvious contradictory proof or evidence and despite the fact that other members of the culture do not share the belief.
- Delusion of control وُهَامُ التَّحَكُّم
- Delusion of grandeur العظمة
- Delusion of infidelity الغيرة أو الخيانة الزوجية
- Delusion of persecution الاضطهاد
- Delusion of reference الإشارة
- Nihilistic delusion العدمية
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Thought insertion غرز الأفكار
Thought insertion غرز الأفكار Delusion that thoughts are being implanted in one’s mind by other people or forces.
Thought withdrawal سحب الأفكار
Thought withdrawal سحب الأفكار Delusion that one’s thoughts are being removed from one’s mind by other people or forces.
Thought broadcasting إذاعة الأفكار
Thought broadcasting إذاعة الأفكار Delusion that one’s thoughts are being broadcast or projected into the environment.
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Orientation: التوجه - التوهان
Orientation: التوجه - التوهان
- Time الزمان
- Place المكان
- Person الأشخاص
C: Cognition = المعرفة Thought, content
Memory الذاكرة
Memory الذاكرة
Attention إنتباه
Concentration تركيز ✓ Serial subtraction
Confabulation تخريف
- SHORT-TERM MEMORY limited capacity system that operates as a set of subsystems
C: Cognition -Memory الذاكرة
- Registration تسجيل or encoding is the capacity to add new information
- Retention خزن or storage is the ability to maintain knowledge that can subsequently be returned to consciousness.
- Retrieval استرجاع is the capacity to access stored information from memory by recognition, recall or implicitly by demonstrating that a relevant task is performed more efficiently as a result of prior experience.
- Recall استدعاء is the effortful retrieval of stored information into consciousness at a chosen moment. It requires an active, complex search process. It is influenced by primacy (first item) and recency (last item) effects. The question ‘What is the capital of France?’ requires the recall function.
- Recognition تمیز is the retrieval of stored information that depends on the identification of items previously learned