Respiratory Acidosis:
- Decrease PH, Increases CO2, if corrected increases HCO3
- Total peripheral resistance decrease (resistant to ionotropic med) (diltation)
- Upper airway obstruction by foreign body, epiglottis.
- Sever asthma.
- COPD, cancer, ghon,
- Brain stem injury (inhibited Resp center in medulla).
- Respiratory muscle: paralysis, bilateral phrenic injury.
- Toxins causing neuromuscular junction blocking (eg.curare).
- Anesthetic medication.
- Morphine and heroin overdose.
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Clinical features:
- Somnolence; sleepy
- Confusion
- Headache
- Palpitations
- Papilledema
- Brain inhibited
- Fix airways obstruction (if it’s there)
- Asthma or COPD——- bronchodilator’s
- Treat underlying causes
- Patient with neuromuscular injury or brain stem injury--- ventilation
- Morphin and heparin--- naloxone
- Barbiturates--- Dialysis
- Benzodiazepines (gaba / enzyme inducer) + alcohol --- give flumanzil ( stimulate brain so keep patient in respiration)
Respiratory Acidosis
In respiratory acidosis, CO2 is not properly removed by the lungs.
- CNS depression: Comatose, drug overdose, head injury.
- Thoracic injury: Pneumothorax, flail chest.
- Airway obstruction: Asthma, laryngospasm.
- Severe pneumonia
- Pulmonary edema
- Obesity hypoventilation syndrome.
- Neuromuscular weakness: Myasthenia, Guillain-Barré syndrome.
- Interstitial fibrosis.