Symptoms are analyzed in relation to each other (further clarification of each symptom) and chronologically. Onset: Sudden ,acute or gradual. Course:

  • Progressive
  • Stationary
  • Regressive
  • Fluctuating
  • Response to Tx

Negative information in some cases may be important e.g.

Follow in chronological order

The history of the presenting illness should include:

	Symptom indicate whether the onset was abrupt or gradual 
	Intermittent or persistent
	short lived or constant
	Steady or increasing in severity
	Find out if other signs and symptoms have developed  
  • Symptom onset (acute, subacute, chronic, insidious)

  • Duration

  • Course of the condition (eg, static, progressive, or relapsing and remitting)

  • Associated symptoms, such as pain, Headaches, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, numbness, weakness, and seizures

AspectPain should be defined
SiteWhere is the pain? Or the maximal site of the pain
OnsetWhen did the pain start, and was it sudden or gradual? Include also whether it is progressive or regressive.
CharacterWhat is the pain like? An ache Stabbing
RadiationDoes the pain radiate anywhere?
AssociationAny other signs or symptoms  associated with the pain
Time CourseDoes the pain follow any pattern?
Relieving Factors
Does anything change the pain?
SeverityHow bad is the pain?

Neurological History : Presenting Complaints?

Neurological presenting complaints include:

Other Conditions and their presenting symptoms