Tuning Fork Tests

Rinne’s Test

  • Compares air conduction (A.C.) with bone conduction (B.C).
  • Fork placed near auricle (A.C.) then over mastoid bone (B.C.).
  • Normal: A.C. is better than B.C. (Rinne positive).
  • Conductive Hearing Loss (CHL): B.C. is better than A.C. (Rinne negative).
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL): A.C. is better than B.C., but both are reduced (Reduced Rinne positive).

Weber’s Test

  • Compares bone conduction in both ears.
  • Fork stem placed on the forehead.
  • Normal: Sound heard centrally or equally in both ears.
  • CHL: Sound heard well in the deaf ear due to outside noise masking the normal ear.
  • SNHL: Sound heard well in the normal ear.