Differential Diagnosis of Neck Swelling
Definition Any abnormal enlargement, swelling, or growth between the clavicles and mandible.
Midline swelling
Lateral swellings
Submental & submandibular LN swellings
Submandibular salivary gland swelling
Swellings in the posterior triangle
Other swelling that may arise anywhere
In addition, swellings of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are common in the neck and should be put in mind. They are added to any of the previous lists.- Lipomas.
- Sebaceous cysts.
- Haemangioma
The Differential Diagnosis of Neck Masses
- Symptoms (timing is everything)
- Onset , course ,Duration, recent changes, associated symptoms, sick contacts, recent travel, previous surgery
- Associated symptoms
- Fever, dysphagia, weight loss, otalgia, hearing loss, respiratory difficulty, night sweats
- Past medical/surgical history, allergies, medications, family history
- Social history - Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, occupation
- Full head and neck exam
- Skin
- Ears
- Mouth/oropharynx
- Look at the tongue and tonsils
- Nose and nasopharynx
- Neck
- Characterize the mass!
- Tender, mobile, firm, move with swallowing, overlying skin changes, other lesions
- Neurologic
- Full cranial nerve exam
Diagnostic imaging
Ultrasound (US)
- Helpful with children because no sedation needed, inexpensive, avoid ionizing radiation, useful for soft tissue imaging, cystic vs solid, thyroid
- bad for invasion or bone
Computed Tomography (CT)
- Soft tissue and bone
- iodinated IV contrast
- Ideal study for neck mass (CT neck with contrast) – CT without contrast almost useless
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Superior soft tissue
- less available, more expensive
- Often complementary with CT
- Radionuclide, angiography, plain radiography
Tissue Diagnosis
- Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy
- Sens/spec 97%
- Enhanced with ultrasound
- Always before an open procedure
- Cytology and culture
- If unsuccessful or inconclusive, repeat before an open procedure
- If failed again, core needle biopsy
- Open biopsy as last resort
- Incisional or Excisional biopsy
Clinical Medicine
Sublingual , Cervical Dermoid Cyst
Thyroglossal cyst (tubuloembryonic Dermoid cyst)
Branchial cyst
Cystic Hygroma
Cold Abscess
Cervical Lymphadenopathy
Carotid Body Tumour
Salivary gland swellings
Calcular disease (Sialolithiasis)
Thyroid diseases