1. Umbilicus hernia (crescent sign)
  2. Everted & swelling of Umbilicus, distended abdomen (put your hand for palpable hernia) (repair surgery) (para-hernia commonly in adults) ++ ascites/pregnancy
  3. Midline scar, multiple…
  4. Midline scar, RT inguinal swelling/mass/lump, LT inguinal scar. - diff?
  5. Inguinal scrotal mass - hernia - on foley’s catheter - place hand for cough - diff hydrocele, lipoma
  6. Midline scar, huge swelling irregular… Incisional hernia (cough test) - (strangulation of hernia - risk factor of repaired hernia) - diff of IBD, Cancer, Hernia, adhesive …

Groin Diff Diagnosis?

  1. Lump RT Forearm around 4cm, regular, spherical, thrill, smooth, non tender, pulsatile, non compressible, diff… lipoma, subcutanous cyst, neurofibroma/

  2. LT Infrascapular swelling on lumbar region, spherical 5x5cm, soft, normal overlying skin, no scar, cough (normal hernia), Diff.. Soft tisue sacrcoma? Hernia? lipoma?

  3. Mass between RT thumb and index - rounded, 4x4cm, regular, reddish, dilated blood vessel, tender on palpitation diff. lipoma, neurofibroma, sacrcoma?

  4. Punctum - Sebaceous cyst - Epidermal cyst - treatment excision

  1. Ulcer LT foot, medial malleolus, irregular, edema, pinkish, related tissue tendon, sloping (common in), base is muscle, varciosed venous, erythema. CVI (chronic venous insufficiency)
  2. two ulcer over head of metatarsal, callus thick skin, punched out, floor related to the tissue (neuropathy), Base … ,
  3. .
  4. .
  5. over heal necrotic tissue bed sore


Furuncles (boils):

Deep infection of the hair follicles characterized by inflammatory nodules with pustular drainage.

  • They are skin abscesses caused by Staphylococcus aureus.



Hydradenitis suppurativa

irritation by deodorant



Pressure sore

Hypertrophic scar Vs. Keloid scar