Neck Anatomy
Common Neck Swellings
History & Clinical Examination
Neck Examination
- Introduce, explain procedure, ideal exposure
Neck Inspection
When assessing lymph nodes of either sides, ask patient to expose them - palpate and discern any palpable mass - if none note to examiner that there is no palpable mass.
History and physical examination of Neck & Thyroid gland
Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi
Causes of swelling
Congenital 1-3 causesCC
Thyroglossal duct-cyst (Midline - connected to foramen caecum - goes up with protrusion)
- can present with abcess - rupture // sepsis - treat with drainage - remove cyst and whole tract as prophylaxis - removing central portion of hyoid bone
Cystic hygroma (benign neoplasm of lymphatic chains?) - can be diagnosed prenatally may complicate labor indication for cessearian section - typically found in posterior trunk at base of the neck - characteristically transilluminate
Branchial Cyst - most commend second pharyngeal pouch - followed by third - can turn into abscess / fistula - can be bilateral
second pharyngeal pouch - junction between … derivative of pharyngeal pouch??CC
Goiter - swallow indicative of goiter specific exam (exception thyroglossal cyst with tongue protrusion )
LAP ⇒ M (P & S) / I (P & S) - MULTIPLE swelling of neck
- Hard - carcinoma
- Tender - infection tender
- Rubbery - lymphoma
Epidermoid / Dermoid cyst
Torticollis / sternocleidomastoid “tumor” - squint refractive when position is corrected, compensated neck
Esophagus - crico area - anatomical weakness keyen dihesens adhencses?CC - kelien adhesens?? - zenker’s diverticulum or pharyngeal pouch or pharyngocele presents as lateral neck mass - halitosis bad breath due food found at diverticulum due regurgitation
pseudo false diverticulum - true when all layers are involved in contrary to submucosa only - only true example is mickel’s diverticulum
- Laryngocele?? - vocal cord presentation with neck mass
blow against nose maneuver - ? valsalva maneouver??
Carotid Body Tumour or Chemodactoma or glomus tumor or potato tumor mass moves side to side, not up to down
Salivary Gland Tumour submental malignancy???, rest are benign commonly
common benign Parotid tumor most common is pleomorphic adenoma followed by worthin tumor?? -
common malignancy mucloplemoid carcinoma, adenoin cystic
Subclavian Artery Aneurysm commonly after RTA
Rannula - retension cyst on mouth
Neuroma & Neurofibroma & Neurofibromatosis
Plan for the examination of a patient with a goitre
- Look at the whole patient for agitation, nervousness or lethargy.
- Examine the hands for sweating, tremor, tachycardia.
- Examine the eyes for exophthalmos, lid lag, ophthalmoplegia, chemosis.
- Examine the neck. Always check that the lump moves with swallowing.
- Palpate the cervical lymph nodes.
The eye signs of thyrotoxicosis
Lid retraction and lid lag
Exophthalmos, which also causes difficulty with convergence and absent forehead wrinkling when looking upwards
Ophthalmoplegia, particularly of the superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles (cannot look ‘up and out’)
Indication of thyroidectomy
A scheme for the diagnosis of swellings in the neck
(Deep to the deep fascia)
After your examination you should be able to answer four critical questions: Is there one or more than one lump? Site? Solid or cystic? Does it move with swallowing?
Multiple lumps are invariably lymph nodes A single lump: In the anterior triangle that does not move with swallowing
- A lymph node
- Carotid body tumour
- Cold abscess
- Branchial cyst
In the posterior triangle that does not move with swallowing Solid:
- A lymph node
- Cystic hygroma
- Pharyngeal pouch
- Subclavian aneurysm
In the anterior triangle that moves with swallowing Solid:
- Thyroid gland
- Thyroid isthmus lymph node
- Thyroglossal cyst
Surgery Neck
- Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th Edition*
- Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 25th Edition*
- The American Thyroid Association Guidelines for the Management of Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer*
TB - couch / blood / endemic TB - presented with LN collapse - with white exudate cessation
Pleomorphic adenoma & fibroadenomaRR