
Assignment Required from Students to be Roleplayed and Uploaded to Moodle

The (Simulated Patient S.Pt) Student Assignment Task is:
  1. Prepare 3 case-scenario scripts from tasks & prepare to roleplay one.
  2. The 3 case-scenario scripts should be brought & handed to the teacher strictly on the student allocated roleplay day.
  3. Play only one case (chosen by the teacher & will be scored by them).
  4. S.Pt. student should submit the 3 cases to Moodle & will be marked.
The (Simulated Doctor S. Dr.), Assignment Job is:
  1. Interview the Simulated-Pt. student.
  2. Make a verbal formulation presentation at the end of the interview.
  3. Write a report about the case including history, DDx, investigation & management.
  4. S. Dr. student should submit only the case they interviewed to Moodle & will be marked.

Tutor will rate the students and that will be part of their continuous assessment.

Rules during Role-play & Practical Sessions

  1. No change whatsoever for any lecture or activity except via course organizer.

  2. Disturbance (leaving during practical role play sessions is not allowed), names of those who leave will be taken.

  3. Sarcasm during practical role play sessions is not accepted.

  4. No change for role-play whatsoever. It causes problems in organizing, grouping, and Moodle.

  5. There will be a Motivating system:

    • Bonus for good participation
    • Book reward

Simulated Doctor

Instructions to Simulated Dr. (Checklist)

  1. Professional behavior
  • Introduces yourself, and get the permission to take history and do examination.
  • Starts with open ended question.
  • Develops the rapport with patient.
  • Awareness and practicing of obstructive and facilitative techniques
  1. History Taking Skills :
  • Explore about the problem, any symptoms the causes (BioPsychSocial Spiritual)
  • Patient ideas, concern and expectation.
  1. Clinical & Mental State examination:
  • General Examination
  • MSE: AA,BB,CC.
  1. Investigation: Bio Psycho-Social Spiritual
  2. Management: Bio Psycho-Social Spiritual
  • Advice about life style activity.
  • Arrive at shared understanding.
  • Invite question from patient.
  • Summarize at the end consultation.
  • Follow up arrangement.

Simulated Doctors-Script, Psychiatric Assessment Report & Management Plan

2BP, 2 C

  • Appearance:
  • Affect = Mood
  • Behaviour
  • Perception
  • Communication = Speech
  • Cognitive state:
    • Thought Form
    • Content (Delusion, Obsessions ext.)
    • Orientation: Time, Place, & Person
    • Memory
  • Section3: Diagnosis/differential Dxs. (Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual)
  • Section4: Investigation (Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual)
  • Section5: Proposed Treatment Plan. (Bio-Psycho-Social)
    1. Bio …
    2. Psycho …
    3. Social-Cultural

Simulated Doctor Mark Sheet

  • DATE:
  • Academic Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • List Serial #
  • Attitude & Professional behavior: Given marks Mark Notes
    • Setting preparedness & Attitude 2
    • Introduces self, getting permission (Hx & Ex.) 2
    • Rapport Developing with patient 2
    • Vigilance for Obstructive techniques 2
    • Total marks 8
  • History taking skills: Given marks Mark Notes
    • Using open ended question 2
    • Facilitative techniques 2
    • Patient idea, concern and expectation. 2
    • Total marks 6
  • Clinical Mental State examination Given marks Mark Notes
    • Mental State (Affect & Appearance) 3
    • Mental State (Behavior & Perception) 3
    • Mental State(Cognition & Communication ) 3
    • Total marks 9
  • Investigations -Utilizing Bio-Psycho-Social 3
  • D Diagnosis - Utilizing Bio-Psycho-Social 3
  • Management: Given marks Mark Notes
    • Initiating Psycho Social management 3
    • Choosing proper medications 3
    • Encouraging questions (from patient) 3
    • Educate patient& family at the end 3
    • Follow up arranged 3
    • Total marks 15
  • Formulation: Oral Presenting 4
  • Total Grand (Skill) /48
  • Evaluator’s name:
  • Signature:
  • Mark Given (Skill /8
  • Presentation script /6
  • Final total /14

Simulated Patient

Patient Brief Record / Scenario

  • Cases’ Scenario/Instructions to SP
    • Opening scenario:
      • e.g. : You are a xx-year – old man, who work as a xx.
      • You have come to the clinic today seeking help for so being xx.
      • Before xx time, accidently, you were watching TV program about xx and decided to see a Doctor.
    • T: Tell your Doctor, “I have come to get rid of xx.”
    • R: Respond to the following information only if specifically asked about
    • A: Address your ideas about the case (serious problem? as you feel any strange symptom?; Magic Eye?, Cautery?).
    • C: Concern about medications & the disease, having serious side effects, if he advises to take medication. But accept if he convince you by discussion
    • E: Expectation is to get treatments!
    • R: Relate any other points, to your own personal & family history .
    • S: Simulate sickness:
      • A, affect and emotion
      • B, body language & behavior
      • C, Concept

Opening Scenario

  • a 40-year - old man, who work as a teacher. You have come to the clinic today seeking help for so depressed. Before four weeks, accidently, you were watching TV program about Depression Today you have come seeking help to get rid of depression.
  • T: Tell your Doctor, I have come to get rid of depression. (you will admit only this).
  • R: Respond to your doctor about the following information only if specifically asked about :
    • You do not use any medication.
    • You are smoker, 10-20 cigarettes per day.
    • Your father died at the age of 52
    • No any recent investigation has been preformed.
    • You do not perform any regular exercise
  • A: Address your ideas about the case (it is not as serious problem, as you do not feel any serious symptom; Magic Eye, Cautery).
  • C: Concern about medications having serious side effects, if he advises to take medication, you should initially insist that the medications are harmful. But accept if he convince you .
  • E: Expectation is to get medication, or other treatments which should cure the condition.
  • R: Relate any other points, to your own personal & family history.

Simulated Psych Patient Scenario Script, Student Form

    1. T: Tell: (Chief complaints)…
    1. R: Respond to Dr. questions:
    • Question if Dr. ask this Answer
    1. A: Address your ideas about the case:
    1. C: Concern about :
    1. E: Expectation is to: …
    1. R: Relate any other points:.

Simulated Patient Mark Sheet

  • DATE:
  • Academic No.
  • Name First
  • Family name
  • List Serial #
  • T: Telling the chief complaints 3
  • R: Reality sensing 3
  • A: Adherence to Scenario 3
  • C: Concern discussing 3
  • E: Expectation 3
  • R: Responding to Q 3
  • S: Scenario & Answerer preparedness 3
  • S: Setting preparedness & Attitude 3
  • Scenario Mark 24
  • Action / Body Language :
    • 1- Affections 3
    • 2-Face 3
    • 3-Eyes 3
    • 4-Voice tone 3
    • 5- Thought and talk flow 3
    • 6-Hand movement 3
    • 7-Position 3
    • 8-General Activity 3
    • Action Mark 24
  • Total Grand (Skill) /48
  • Evaluator’s name:
  • Signature:
  • Mark Given (Skill /8
  • Presentation script /6
  • Final total /14