
Incidence: Most common in the parotid, less in the submandibular gland.

Pathology: Benign tumor.

Site: Usually from the superficial part of the parotid gland.

Symptom: Painless, slowly growing swelling on the side of the face.


  • Well-defined swelling, lobulated, freely mobile (not attached to skin, muscles, or bones).
  • Variable in consistency (firm or cystic but never hard).
  • Elevating lobule of the ear.
  • With no cervical LNs enlargement or facial nerve infiltration.

Differential Diagnosis

  • Non-neoplastic lesions, LNs, sebaceous cyst, and lipoma.


  • Disfigurement.
  • Malignant transformation after > 10 years is rare (2-3%).


  • CT scan for the assessment of tumors arising from the deep part of the parotid.
  • Tc99 scan: cold spot.


  • Tumor in parotid:
    • Conservative superficial parotidectomy if the lesion is superficial.
    • Total conservative parotidectomy if the lesion is deep.
  • Tumor in the submandibular gland:
    • Submandibular sialadenectomy.