The Stress Response
Adjustment (Normal)
- Fight or flight أو الهروب
- Grief الحداد
- Impending death
- Positive Changes التغييرات الإيجابية
Mal Adjustment (Abnormal)
- Acute stress disorder
- Adjustment disorder
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Other Psychiatric disorder (Depression)

Stress Response Physiology

Stages of Grief
- Shock & denial (days, weeks)
- Acute distress (weeks, months)
- Anger
- Preoccupation
- Withdrawal
- Guilt
- Resolution (months, years)
- Return to work
- Resume old roles
- Acquire new roles
- Re-experience pleasure
- Seek companionship and love of others
Normal Reaction to Impending Death
- Stage 1: Shock and Denial (I feel fine)
- Stage 2: Anger (why me?)
- Stage 3: Bargaining (I will give anything for more time)
- Stage 4: Depression (nothing worked)
- Stage 5: Acceptance (I can’t fight it)