History & examination- follows the standard pattern
Most common presenting symptom: Swelling / lump Goiters Lymphadenopathy
Goiters & Lymphadenopathy - local & systemic complains
History of swellings
- How noticed? - Self / others
- Duration- Acute or chronic
- Pain- acute lymphadenitis, thyroiditis, bleeding in goitre, Submandibular salivary gland stone
- Painless- chronic lymphadenopathy, goitre, branchial cyst, neoplasms
- Change in size: Rapid increase- infection, bleeding, Slow increase- neoplasms
- Single or multiple? multiple- lymph nodes
Associated local symptoms with neck swellings
- Voice change (malignant invasion)
- Dysphagia (pressure on esophagus)
- Dyspnea (pressure on trachea)
- Eye symptoms
- Throat pain / Oral ulcer
- Nasal symptoms
- Scalp lesion/Loss of hair
Systemic symptoms - Goitre
- Nervousness
- Weight loss/gain
- Palpitation
- Preference for cold / warm weather
- Muscle fatigue
- Sweating
Systemic symptoms- Lymphadenopathy
- Fever
- Night Sweating
- Contact with infectious disease
- Weight loss
- Change in appetite
- Respiratory / gastrointestinal symptoms
General Systemic inquiry
- GI – appetite, wt. change, bowel habit (thyroid, LN)
- RS- dyspnea on exertion, (retrosternal extension)
- CVS- palpitation, ankle swelling
- GU- amenorrhea
- CNS- nervousness, irritability, insomnia (thyrotoxicosis)
- Endocrines- preference to warm or cold weather
Other parts of history
- PH- medical / surgical
- Medications
- Allergies
- Social history
- Family history - MTC, MEN 2 (MTC, pheochromocytoma, HPT)
Personal History as usual
- Complaint:
- Swelling in lower part of front of neck
- Present history
- Swelling:
- Onset (sudden or gradual)
- Course (increasing or decreasing)
- Duration
- Pain:
- Description (e.g., sharp, dull, throbbing)
- Location (e.g., radiating to jaw, ear)
- Severity (e.g., 1-10 scale)
- Disturbance of function:
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty breathing
- Hoarseness
- Swelling:
- General:
- Fever
- Metastasis
- General manifestations:
- Toxicity
- Hyperthyroidism
- Local:
- Pressure on recurrent laryngeal nerve causing hoarseness
- Local manifestations:
- Dysphagia (not common in retrosternal goiter or malignancy)
- Dyspnea
Example for History Taking
- · ----------------, 25 years, mechanic, not married, living in ----, takes 20 cigarettes per day for 10 years.
- · He is coming complain of swelling in lower part of neck since 6 years.
- · The condition started 6 years ago with swelling in lower part of front of neck, gradual onset, and progressive course.
- · He had toxic manifestations in the form of palpitation, Nervousness. Irritability, insomnia, loss of weight inspite of good appetite, exophthalos , polyuria.
- · The patient did hormonal assay & was told that he is toxic.
- · He had surgery since five & half years.
- · After one 7 half month, the swelling appeared again, exophthalmos & he developed hoarsness of voice.
- · He is now on course of Indral.
- · There is no history of pain.
- · There ino history of hypothyroidism as gain of weight, slurred speech, intolerance to cold weather, puffy eyelids & lost 1/3 of outer eyebrow, constipation
- · No history of Dyspnea or Dysphagia.
- · No history of Discharge.
- · No history of Psychological trauma.
- · No past history of operations, drug intake, D.M. or hypertension
- · No family history of similar conditions or D.M. or hypertension. s no history of metastasis in the form of ……
- · There is