A comprehensive and chronological account of the presenting chief complaint
Symptom characterization:
O =”’ Onset (When, what the patient was doing at 1he time) and duration P =”’ Palliating and Provoking factors Q=”’ Quality of pain (e.g. sharp, dull, throbbing) R =”’ does the pain Radiate? S=”’ Severity of pain on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the least and 10 being the most severe”)
T = Timing and progression (“is the pain constant or intermittent? worse in the morning or at night-time?“)
U= “how does it affect ‘U’ In your daily life?” - consider Impact on self, work, family, friends, others V = Deja Vu (“Has this happened before?“) W =‘What do you think it is?” “What are you most worried about?”