What is Asthma?
- Asthma is a common heterogeneous chronic disorder of the airways, characterized by variable usually reversible and recurring symptoms related to one or more of airflow obstruction, bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and underlying inflammation.
Symptoms of Asthma
- Tightening of air passage
- Thick mucus
- Difficulty in breathing
- Respiratory distress
- Wheezing
- Coughing
- Tightness of the chest
Asthma is an inflammatory disease and not simply a result of excessive smooth muscle contraction.
- Increased airway inflammation follows exposure to induders such as allergens or viruses, exercise, or inhalation of nonspecific irritants.
- Increased inflammation leads to exacerbations characterized by dyspnea, wheezing, cough, and chest tightness.
- Abnormal histopathology including edema, epithelial cell desquamation, and inflammatory cell infiltration.
Phases of Asthma
Early phase (Acute):
- Due to bronchial smooth muscle spasm & excessive secretion of mucus.
Chronic phase:
- Continuous inflammation, fibrosis, edema, necrosis of bronchial epithelial cells.
Box 1: Pathophysiology of Asthma
Normal vs Asthma
A. Normal
Muscle of bronchi are relaxed, allowing easy airflow.
Normal bronchial tube
Muscles of bronchi are tight and thickened.
The bronchi are inflamed and filled with mucus, which impedes airflow.
Inflamed bronchial tube
Types of Asthma
- Allergic asthma (extrinsic)
- Non-allergic asthma (intrinsic)
- Cough variant asthma
- Occupational asthma
- Exercise-induced asthma
- Medication-induced asthma
- Nocturnal asthma
- Allergies
- Tobacco smoke
- Environmental factors
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Stress
- Genes
- Atopy
Asthma Triggers
- Pets
- Exercise
- Pollen
- Bugs in the home
- Chemical fumes
- Cold air
- Fungus spores
- Dust
- Smoke
- Strong odors
- Pollution
- Anger
- Stress
Drugs Causing Bronchial Asthma
- Aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) hypersensitivity, sulfite sensitivity
- Use of beta-adrenergic receptor blockers (including ophthalmic preparations)
- Oral contraceptive pill
- Cholinergic agents
- Prostaglandin F₂