Airway & cervical spine

Verbal response: Salam! How are you? Airway is compromised if:

  • No response- unconscious , GCS <8,

  • Noisy breathing

  • Severe facial trauma

  • Oropharyngeal bleeding or foreign body

  • Patient agitated - ?hypoxia

  • Adequacy of airway- completed within seconds

  • Open the front of the collar for airway manipulation

  • Maintain manual inline stabilization of C spine by an assistant. Avoid excessive movement of C spine.

  • Oropharyngeal airway/ bag valve mask ventilation

  • Oâ‚‚ supplement + pulse oximetry- every trauma patient

  • Rapid-sequence endotracheal intubation (ETT)

  • Frequent reassessment for airway compromise

Difficult airway

Surgical airway when oral intubation (ETT) cannot be accomplished:

  • Cricothyroidotomy: Surgical placing a tube through incision in the cricothyroid membrane (CTM)
  • Tracheostomy (laryngeal injury)