- Stridor
- Hoarseness
- Subcutaneous emphysema
- Hemoptysis
- Laryngeal tenderness, swelling, and edema
This is an example of when a CT scan is useful. Patient is a 23 year old female who is a school teacher. She was playing flag football with her husband and her brothers. She was hit in the neck with a long hard pass. HSe was hoarse and complained of pain. Her laryngeal edema revealed edema and it was suspected that she had a fracture. CT scan helped to identify her fractures
Laryngoscopic Exam
This is an endoscopic view of a patient with mild trauma. One can see small bilateral hematomas on Vc edema. This is an exam of a patient with more significant trauma. One can see blood in the airway and exposed cartilage.
- Tracheostomy if there is respiratory distress or bleeding
- Explore and repair