(cc) check answers



A 40 yr old smoker hypertensive presenting er with h/o of retrosternal crushing chest pain, breathlessness, sweating since 2 hrs

Initial Assessment

  • ABC; Airway, ?? , Circulation; to give medication
  • then check vital signs
  • then ECG, Troponin
  • Acute, Antero (CC)

What will you do next? ECG

What is your diagnosis Acute  Anteroseptal  myocardial  infarction

IF EXG looks like this what is your diagnosis? Acute Inferior  MI


30 yo m with history of ankle f 2 weeks ago, c/o sudden onster of chest pain

  • PE can happen in any age group

initial assessemnt

  • ABC
  • Vital sign
  • ECG; sinus tachycardia, S1 Q3 T3
  • Chest x-ray (West hamptom palla signs) - CT

What will you do next? ECG. X-RAY. CT.

What is your diagnosis Acute  Pulmonary  Embolism

Pulmonary Angiography  (GOLD STANDARD) •Arrow indicates  abrupt termination  of a pulmonary  artery.


A 65-year-old man comes to the ER with h/o  sudden onset of chest pain . He was just about to  go out for a meet with his friends.

  • He is a K/C/O hypertension, DM for the past 10  years on medications.

  • He is a smoker

  • He also C/O inability to move his lower limbs now, Hoarsness of voice, Dysphagaia, his femoral pulses are weak when correlated with his radial BP

  • BP 80/60

  • HR 152

  • RR 32

  • SPO2 88%

  • CVS tachy cardia

  • RS Inadequate chest rise

What is your initial assessment ?

  • ABC
  • Vital signs

What will you  do next? …

What is your diagnosis Dissecting  aortic  Aneurysm


A 25-year-old tall man comes to the ER with h/o  sudden onset of chest pain.

What is your initial assessment ?

What is your diagnosis? Tension  Pneumothorax

If a patient  present  with this  ECGs This is a case of  large pericardial  effusion (tachycardia, a low voltage  recording, and the electrical alternans.

Mediastinal air  (pneumomediastinum)  Oesophageal rupture

Left Sided Massive Pleural Effusion with Mediastinal Shift

Left upper lobe  pneumonia

Herpes zoster