• A molar pregnancy is a gestational trophoblastic disease.

  • A molar pregnancy starts when an egg is fertilized, but instead of a normal, viable pregnancy resulting, the placenta develops into an abnormal mass of cysts.

Ultrasound is the standard imaging modality for identifying molar pregnancy.

1. Partial molar pregnancy

  • Fetal parts may be visualized.
  • Fetal heart tones may be detectable.
  • Amniotic fluid is present.
  • Increased placental thickness

2. Complete molar pregnancy

  • Echogenic mass interspersed with many hypoechogenic cystic spaces referred to as “swiss cheese”, “honeycomb”, “bunch of grapes”, or “snowstorm”) 
  • No amniotic fluid
  • No fetal parts
  • Lack of fetal heart tones

Hydatidiform mole Ultrasound pelvis (transvaginal)

of pregnant patient with abnormally elevated β-hCG level There is no intrauterine gestation. An intrauterine mass contains multiple cystic spaces .This vesicular appearance seen in a molar pregnancy has been described as a “snowstorm pattern”.