Pediatrics I

Dr. Mansour Alqurashi

Lecture/Tutorial/Seminars Title and Lecturer

  1. Assessment of growth, teething and skeletal maturation and Use of percentile charts. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  2. Assessment of development, abnormal patterns of development and Behavioral disorders. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  3. Breast feeding and alternatives to breast feeding. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  4. Vitamin D deficiency rickets, hypocalcemia and hypocalcemic tetany. Common vitamins deficiency. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  5. Protein energy malnutrition (PEM): Underweight, Marasmus, kwashiorkor, failure to thrive. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  6. Routine care and resuscitation of the newborn. Assessment of gestational age (preterm and post-term), small and large for gestational age. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  7. Birth injuries. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  8. RDS, Meconium aspiration, Transient tachypnea of the newborn. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  9. Diaphragmatic hernia, Congenital pneumonia and pneumothorax. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  10. Jaundice in the newborn. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  11. Types of chromosomal abnormalities, mode of inheritance of single gene trait. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  12. Common syndromes: Down, Turner, Klinefelter, Marfan, Williams and Achondroplasia. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  13. A cyanotic congenital heart diseases. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  14. Cyanotic congenital heart diseases. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  15. Rheumatic fever & Kawasaki disease. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  16. Upper respiratory tract infections. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  17. Bronchiolitis and pneumonia. - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  18. Acute diarrheal disorders. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  19. Cystic fibrosis, Celiac disease. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  20. Diagnostic evaluation of anemia, iron deficiency anemia and megaloblastic anemia. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  21. Hemolytic anemia (general manifestations, Thalassemia, sickle cell disease, G-6-P deficiency). - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  22. Scarlet fever, H. influenzae infection, Tetanus, Pertusis. - DR. Abdallah ALJethaily
  23. Acute bacterial meningitis, acute aseptic meningitis, encephalitis. - DR. Abdallah ALJethaily
  24. Viral infections (measles, rubella, roseola infantum, erythema infectiosum, mumps, EBV). - DR. Abdallah ALJethaily
  25. Clinical evaluation of a child with post streptococcal glomerulonephritis. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  26. Clinical evaluation of a child with proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  27. Epilepsy and Febrile seizures in children. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  28. Approach to child with seizures. (T) - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  29. Acid-base balance and acid-base disorders. - DR. Salam ELgazzar
  30. Fluid Electrolytes disturbance. - DR. Faten Zaidan
  31. Introduction to history taking for children. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  32. Introduction to Physical Examination for children. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  33. Evaluation of abnormal head size (Hydrocephalus, microcephaly & craniocynostosis). - DR. Faten Zaidan
  34. Obtaining a medical history for a pediatric patient from role player. CBD skill - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  35. Approach to haematuria. (CBD) - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  36. Approach to cyanotic infant. (CBD) - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  37. Delayed puberty and precocious puberty. (L) - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  38. Measure weight, height and head circumference and plot on GROWTH CHARTS. (manikin) 3 Groups. CTD - DR. Faten Zaidan
  39. Neonate with Jaundice (CBD). 2 Groups CTD - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  40. Neonate with Respiratory distress (CBD). 2 Groups CTD - DR. Faten Zaidan
  41. Bedside Abdomen assessment skills in simulation system (manikin) 3 Groups. CTD - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  42. Bedside cardiac assessment skills in simulation system (manikin) 3 Groups. CTD - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  43. Bedside Respiratory assessment skills in simulation system (manikin) 2 Groups. CTD - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  44. Demonstration of urine sample collection, using and interpretation of urine dipstick. CTD Skill - DR. Salma Elgazzar
  45. Demonstrate how to do a case report and case presentation. CTD. 1H Tutorial - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  46. Examples of 3 ideal case presentation. CTD 1H Tutorial - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  47. Case scenarios practice and management. Seminar CTD - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  48. Data Interpretation part 1 (x-ray, CSF, blood gases, hematology, growth charts). CTD 1H Seminar - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  49. Data Interpretation part 2 (urine, LFT, Electrolytes, Renal profile). CTD 1H Seminar - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  50. Slides show practice and spot diagnosis. Part 1 (Syndromes, pedigree). CTD 1H Seminar - DR. Mansour AL Howasi
  51. Slides show practice and spot diagnosis. Part 2 (Development, nutritional, skin). CTD 1H Seminar - DR. Mansour AL Howasi
  52. Physical Examination for children (pitfalls in OSCE). CTD 1H Seminar - DR. Mansour AL Howasi
  53. Approach to a child with proteinuria (Tutorial) - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  54. Approach to child with anemia (Tutorial) - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  55. Approach to short stature (Tutorial) - DR. Mansour ALQurashi
  56. Assessment of student case presentations and log books evaluation. - DR. Mansour ALQurashi

Course Timetable

For P1 Requirements

  • Mid-Block Exam: MCQs 60 Questions 15 marks + logbook 5 marks
  • End-Block Exam:
    • Case Presentation 1 Case 5 marks
    • MCQs 60 Questions 15 marks
    • Clinical Slides Show 5 Slides 10 marks
    • Clinical Case Scenario 2 Cases 10 marks
    • OSCE 5 Stations 20 marks
    • Clinical Exam at Hospital 2 Cases 20 marks


Case presentation marking


  1. List of Required Text Books:
    • A. Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics 6th edition, 2021 by Tom Lissauer, Will Carroll
    • B. Nelson Essential Pediatrics 9th edition 2022
    • C. Pediatric Clinical Examination Made Easy 6th edition, 2017 By Gill and O’Brien
    • D. Manual of Clinical Paediatrics (for Medical Students and Postgraduate Doctors) Edited by Dr. Mansour N. Al Howasi. 8th edition 2018