Psychiatric Disorder

  • Comparison of prevalence estimates with control group

  • Schizophrenia: Up to 3 times increased risk

  • Bipolar Disorder: Up to 3 times increased risk

  • Depression: Up to 1.5 times increased risk

  • Anxiety Disorder: Up to 1.5 times increased risk

  • Psychosis: Up to 10 times increased risk

  • Mixed Group of Psychiatric Disorders: Up to 5 times increased risk

Indekilde, N., Prevalence of type 2 diabetes in psychiatric disorders: an umbrella review with meta-analysis of 245 observational studies from 32 systematic reviews. Diabetologia, (2023)

Bi-Directional Relationship Between Type II Diabetes and Depression

  • Depression

  • Associated with a 65% increased risk to develop Type II Diabetes.

  • Type II Diabetes

  • Associated with a 2 times increased risk to develop Depression.

(Campayo et al. 2010; Mezuk et al. 2008; Musselman et al. 2003; Mezuk et al. 2008)

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Individual Components Among Saudi Psychiatric Patients (N=996) (Alosaimi FD, et al, 2016)

  • Reduced HDL Cholesterol: 52.5% (523)

  • Raised Fasting Blood Sugar: 47.8% (476)

  • Raised Blood Pressure: 42.5% (423)

  • Large Waist Circumference: 42.2% (420)

  • Raised Triglycerides: 32.8% (327)

  • Metabolic Syndrome: 41.2% (410)

Diabetes Distress