Functions of the Liver:Y

Clinical Terms

  • Hepatitis: inflammation of liver; presence of inflammatory cells in organ tissue
  • Acute Viral Hepatitis: symptoms last less than 6 months
  • Acute Hepatic Failure: Massive hepatic necrosis with impaired consciousness within 8 wks of onset of illness.
  • Chronic Hepatitis: Inflammation of liver for at least 6 months
  • Cirrhosis:Z Replacement of liver tissue fibrosis, scar tissue


  1. Liver function
  • Serum transaminase: -ALT (alanine transferase) ↑ AST (aspartase transferase) ↑ Albumin
  • Bilirubin
  • Prothrombin time
  1. Detection of the markers of hepatitis virus
  2. Ultra-sound examination
  3. FibroScan-Non-invasive test of liver fibrosis
  4. Liver biopsy


- Esophageal varices

- Ascites

- Hepatic Encephalopathy

Esophageal Varices Therapeutics Ascites & Encephalopathy Therapeutics

Liver DialysisRR

  • •Bridge to transplant
  • •Dialyze 6 hours at a time