eg, metformin & phenformin.


  • Given orally, Not bind to plasma proteins
  • Not metabolized
  • Excreted unchanged in urine

Mechanism of action :

  1. they — glucose absorption from GIT.
  2. they ++ glucose uptake by the tissues anaerobic glycolysis lactic acid
  3. — serum glucagon.
  4. ++ no. & affinity of insulin receptors.
  5. — hepatic gluconeogenesis.


  1. Type 2 DM either alone (in mild cases) or in combination with other drugs (SU).obese pt with t2dm
  2. to enhance weight loss in overweight patient
  3. with insulin in case of insulin resistance.

Polycystic ovary syndrome; it lowers serum androgens and restores normal menstrual cycles and ovulation.

Advantages of Metformin over SUs

Does not cause hypoglycemia ( why ? ) ( Ideal for obese pts) Does not result in wt gain ( why ? )

Side effects:

  • Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhoea.
  • Metallic taste.
  • ↓ Absorption of vitamin B12 (→ Megaloblastic anaemia).
  • Lactic acidosis: common e phenformin and less e metformin; especially in renal or hepatic diseases. Lactic acidosis (rare but fatal in 50% of cases)

Contraindicated in liver and renal dysfunction