Head Abnormalities

Dr Faten Zaidan

Normal Measurements First

Average of Head circumference at birth: 35 cm

Rate of growth:

  • 1-3 months: 2cm/month - total 4 cm
  • 4-6 months: 1cm/month - total 6 cm
  • 6-12 months: 0.5cm/month - total 9-10 cm

10cm in first year generally

Anterior fontanelle closes between 9-18 months
Diameter is <3.5 cm

Posterior fontanelle closes between 2-4 months of age
Diameter is about fingertip in size
- Diff - down syndrome & congenital hypothyroidism

How to examine head circumference

How can head growth be affected?

  1. Early closure of sutures leading to asymmetrical head shape and stunted growth of brain.

  2. Congenital diseases or syndromes characterized by either small head diameter or large head diameter

  3. Obstruction in CSF flow causing enlargement of brain thus delayed closure of sutures


You will cover all parts of history focusing on:

  1. Maternal history (fever, use of antibiotics, regular antenatal follow-ups, result of antenatal US)
  2. Neonatal History (admission in NICU, past medical and surgical)
  3. Family History (any similar cases in family, family history of metabolic diseases or syndromes or developmental delay)