Cluster C
- Includes patterns of behaviors that are essentially fearful and/or anxious.
- Tend to be perfectionistic or rigid in standards or expectations for themselves or others.
- Relatively unlikely to seek treatment.
- Demonstrate marked feelings of inadequacy that are associated with hypersensitivity to negative feedback and/or social inhibition.
- Seldom put themselves in “risky” or even new situations in which they may perform poorly.
- Seldom develop intimate interpersonal relationships.
- May constrain occupational choices based on fear of negative judgments.
- Seek someone to take care of them, even to the extent of being submissive, clinging, and fearful of separation.
- Avoid decisive action and encourage others to make decisions for them.
- Subservience makes it quite difficult to express disagreement, even when asked to undertake unpleasant activities.
- Fear being alone and quickly substitute a new relationship if an old one is lost.
- They systematically underestimate themselves and their ability to function independently.
- Have well-controlled perfectionistic patterns of behavior at the expense of spontaneity, flexibility, and even efficiency.
- There is often such preoccupation with planning and details that tasks are not completed.
- Difficulty delegating responsibilities and tend to work long hours in order to meet their own standards regarding productivity.
- Tend to collect and hoard things even when those things have little value.
- Unlike obsessive-compulsive disorder, individuals with OCPD do not necessarily have obsessions or compulsions.
- Tendency is to be rigid in their actions and thinking, adhering to strict and controlled patterns of thought and behaviors.
Cultural Considerations
- Men are much more likely to be diagnosed with Antisocial PD.
- Women are much more likely to be diagnosed with Borderline, Histrionic, and Dependent PD.