Topognostic Tests

  1. Schirmer’s Test:
    • Procedure: Folded strip of sterile filter paper is placed in the lower conjunctival fornix of both eyes.
    • Evaluation: After 5 minutes, compare the wetted portion.
    • Positive Result: Reduction of >30% on the affected side compared to the healthy side.
  2. Stapedial Reflex

Imaging and Audiological Tests

  1. CT & MRI of Temporal Bone: Identify fracture lines, cholesteatoma, or tumors (e.g., neuroma of the 7th or 8th nerve).
  2. Audiological Tests:
    • Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) & Speech Audiometry
    • Tympanometry
    • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)