Groin Hernias

  • Indirect Inguinal Hernia (60%):
  • Direct Inguinal Hernia(25%):
    • Rarely obstructs/ strangulates
    • Appears as wide bulge
    • Often reduces spontaneously after cough or lying
  • Femoral hernia (15%):


Inguinal SwellingInguinoscrotal Swelling
1. Enlarged lymph nodes1. Encysted hydrocele of cord
2. Undescended testis2. Varicocele
3. Lipoma3. Lymphvarix
4. Femoral hernia4. Diffuse lipoma of cord
5. Saphena varix5. Inflam thickening of cord
6. Psoas abscess6. Psoas abscess
7. Femoral aneurysm