Groin Hernias
- Indirect Inguinal Hernia (60%):
- Direct Inguinal Hernia(25%):
- Rarely obstructs/ strangulates
- Appears as wide bulge
- Often reduces spontaneously after cough or lying
- Femoral hernia (15%):
Inguinal Swelling | Inguinoscrotal Swelling |
1. Enlarged lymph nodes | 1. Encysted hydrocele of cord |
2. Undescended testis | 2. Varicocele |
3. Lipoma | 3. Lymphvarix |
4. Femoral hernia | 4. Diffuse lipoma of cord |
5. Saphena varix | 5. Inflam thickening of cord |
6. Psoas abscess | 6. Psoas abscess |
7. Femoral aneurysm | |