Common presentaiton

  • Pain in lower limbs
  • Upper limb pain and swelling
  • Prominent veins
  • Lower limb swelling
  • Skin changes
  • Ulcer

Venous disease

Common venous diseases:

  • Varicose veins
  • Deep venous thrombosis. (DVT)
  • Superficial thrombophlebitis.
  • Venous ulcers

Anatomy of Lower Extremity Veins

Superficial veins:
Greater saphenous vein (GSV), Lesser saphenous vein (LSV) their tributaries.

  • The GSV- from the dorsal pedal venous arch and courses cephalad and enters the common femoral vein approximately 4 cm inferior and lateral to the pubic tubercle.
  • The LSV- originates laterally from the dorsal pedal venous arch and courses cephalad in posterior calf to join the popliteal vein

Deep veins: follows arteries- Popliteal, femoral

Multiple perforator veins traverse the deep fascia to connect the superficial and deep venous systems. Unidirectional blood flow is achieved with multiple venous valves