Schedule for Well-Care Visits
At birth and within 24 h.
Assessment and monitoring of health,
- Measurement and plotting of wt., H & HC
- Signs of birth trauma, alertness, congenital anomalies or skin lesions or jaundice
- assessment of breastfeeding
- hip dislocation
Screening for eye abnormalities
- hearing screening
- neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
- congenital heart disease
Prevention and protection
- BCG vaccine
- hepatitis B
- vitamin K supplementation
At 1 Week of Age
Assessment of danger signs
- measurement and plotting of wt., H & HC.
- Signs of birth trauma, alertness, congenital anomalies, skin lesions or jaundice
- Assessment of breastfeeding
- Hip dislocation
- Catch up for missed at birth vaccines
Newborn screening
- abnormalities of the eye
- hearing and vision screening
At 2 Weeks of Age
Breast feeding assessment
- Breastfeeding frequency
- Breastfeeding positioning and attachment
- Other foods or fluids
- Complete physical examination
- Assessment of danger signs
- Measurement and plotting of wt., H & HC.
- Observation for signs of congenital anomalies
- Check immunization status as per latest WHO or country recommendations.
- Give catch up missed vaccines as appropriate
Newborn screening
- vision screening
At 6 Weeks of Age
Exclusive breast feeding assessment
- other foods or fluids
Physical examination and growth monitoring
- assessment of danger signs
- measurement and plotting of wt., H & HC.
- Signs of physical anomalies or skin lesions, neurologic tone, strength, and symmetry of movements.
- Check immunization status.
- Routine vaccination against:
- polio,
- hepatitis B,
- diphtheria,
- pertussis,
- tetanus,
- Haemophilus influenzae type B,
- pneumococci and
- rotavirus.
Verbal and social language signs (e.g., looks in parent eyes, smiles, makes brief sounds)
- gross motor and fine motor development (e.g., moves both arms and legs together and slightly opens fingers)
- sleep and waking patterns.
At 10 Weeks of Age
- Exclusive breast feeding assessment
- Physical examination and growth monitoring
- assessment of danger signs
- measurement and plotting of wt., H & HC.
- Signs of neglect or abuse
Developmental progress and milestones
gross motor and fine motor development (e.g., lists head and chest, keeps head stead, can bring hands together)
verbal and social language signs (e.g., makes short cooing, smiles when happy or cries when upset).
Routine vaccination against:
- polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, pneumococci and rotavirus
At 14 Weeks of Age
- Exclusive breast feeding assessment
- Physical examination and growth monitoring
- • assessment of danger signs
- • measurement and plotting of wt., H & HC.
- • Signs of neglect or abuse
- Routine vaccination against: polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, pneumococci and rotavirus.
Developmental Progress and Milestones
- • Gross motor and fine motor development (e.g., supports self on elbows and wrists, can roll over from stomach to back).
- • Verbal and social language signs (e.g. laughs, responds more strongly, smiles on seeing faces, vocalizes and turns to voices, stays calm with a soothing lullaby).
At 6 Months of Age
- Exclusive breast feeding assessment
- Physical examination and growth monitoring
- • assessment of danger signs
- • measurement and plotting of wt for Length Z-Scores.
- • Signs of neglect or abuse
- • Check immunization status.
- • Give catch up missed vaccines as Appropriate.
Developmental progress and milestones.
- look for signs of physical or skin anomalies; pupil opacification or red reflex, heart murmurs.
Developmental monitoring and milestones
- • gross motor (lifts head, sits with support, rolls from back to stomach)
- • verbal and social language (laughs aloud, vocalizes vowels “aa” or “uu” or “ma” or “ba” and looks when name called).
- • recognizes and engages by smiling to faces, makes sounds in response to play, brings objects to mouth.
At 9 Months of Age
- Exclusive breast feeding assessment
- Physical examination and growth monitoring
- • assessment of danger signs
- • measurement and plotting of wt. for Length Z-Scores.
- • Oral health screening
- • Check immunization.
- • Routine vaccination against measles containing vaccine (MCV1) and rubella containing vaccine (RCV).
- • Give catch up missed vaccines as Appropriate.
• Developmental monitoring and milestones
- • Gross motor (sits without support, pulls self to stand, crawls)
- • Fine motor (picks small objects with finger and thumb and food to eat).
Developmental monitoring and milestones
- • Verbal and social language (uses basic gestures, looks for dropped objects, non specific words “Dada” or “Mama”, copies sounds)
- • relating and play (reaches out to be picked, plays hide and appear games, waves bye bye).
At 12 Months of Age
Breastfeeding and family foods assessment
- breastfeeding as child wants
- transition to nutritious family foods
Screening - dental care and check up
- vision screening
- Booster doses of diphtheria-, tetanus and pertussis-containing vaccine, or Pneumococcal.
Developmental monitoring and milestones
- gross motor (stands without support, takes initial walking steps)
- fine motor (picks food to eat)
- verbal and social language (responds to gestures, says at least 1 word or name)
- relating and play (plays hide and appear games, follows directions with gestures).
At 18 Months of Age
Nutrition and feeding practices assessment.
- Breastfeeding as child wants
- Nutritious family foods and snacks
- Self feeding independence.
- Screening
- Developmental screening
- Hearing or vision screening
- Booster doses: measles vaccine (MCV2) and diphtheria-, tetanus- and pertussis containing vaccine, or pneumococcal conjugate Vaccine.
Developmental Monitoring and Milestones
- Gross motor (walks without support, carries toys, sits upright)
- Fine motor (throws small objects while standing, scribbles).
- Verbal and social language (names familiar people, objects or body part, helps dress and undress, uses words to ask for help).
- Relating and play (engages with others in play, points at objects or pictures to draw attention).
At 2 Years of Age
Nutrition and feeding:
- nutritious family foods and snacks
- self feeding independence.
Assessment, physical examination and growth monitoring:
- assessment of health problems
- measurement of wt. and H.
Developmental monitoring and milestones:
- observe and assess for running, scribbling, and ability to follow commands
- gross motor (walks, runs and jumps, kicks a ball, climbs)
- fine motor (holds pencil or stick, scribbles on ground or paper).
- check immunization status
- as per latest WHO or country recommendations
- catch up missed vaccines as appropriate
Verbal and social language:
- (combines at least 2 words, responds to command, names body parts).
- Relating and play (imitates and initiates play alongside others, checks how objects or toys work,)
- Self help activities or autonomy (uses finger or spoon for feeding, takes off clothing).
At 3 Years of Age
- Nutrition and feeding practices assessment.
- Nutritious family foods and snacks
- Self feeding independence
- Screening
- vision screening and eye exam.
- Blood pressure.
Developmental monitoring and milestones.
Gross motor (climbs on and off, jumps off a sofa, pedals a tricycle)
Fine motor (precise 3 finger grip, manipulates small objects, draws a circle).
- Catch up on missed vaccines as Appropriate.
Uses 3-word sentence & pronouns like “I”, “me” or “you”, tells a story.
Relating and play (warm interaction with people, engages in imaginary play and involves others, shares)
Self help activities or autonomy (feeds self, takes off clothing, washes hands with assistance).
At 4 Years of Age
- Screening
- Vision screening
- Hearing screening
- Dental screening
- Booster dose with Td/DT-containing vaccines as per national schedule (4 years between booster doses).
Developmental monitoring and milestones.
- gross motor (hops over pieces of paper, climbs stairs)
- fine motor (holds a pencil properly with 3 fingers, draws a simple cross, unbuttons)
- verbal and social language (asks “why”, “how” or “where”, uses 4-word sentences, tells story in logical sequence)
- relating and play (plays with others, role play, follows rules)
- Dresses and undresses with little help, brushes teeth, uses toilet by self.
At 5-6 Years of Age
Measurement and plotting of weight, height & body mass index (BMI).
- vision screening
- hearing screening
- oral health screening
- Check vaccination status as per latest WHO or country recommendations
- Catch up on missed vaccines as appropriate
Developmental monitoring and milestones.
- Gross motor (jumps and stands on one leg, hops and skips)
- Fine motor (holds a pen like an adult, writes letters and numbers, can draw a person with body parts)
Verbal and social language (good articulation & language skills, counts up to 10).
- relating and play (plays with others, willing to share in role playing, tolerates mild disappointment)
- Dresses and undresses without help, follows directions.