- Name the hormones tested in TFTs? Free T3, T4 & tsh
- Which enzyme forms the thyroid hormones? TPO
- What’s the effect of iodine? balanced intake
- Name the thyroid binding proteins in the blood? globulin, albumin, pre-albumin
- Can a person with goiter be without any thyroid symptoms? yes - euthyroid, iodine deficiency
- fT4 low, fT3 low, TSH high. What is this? primary hypothyroidism
- fT4 low, fT3 low, TSH low. What is this? secondary hypothyroidism
- What is sick euthyroid syndrome? infection distrubance to thyroid
- Name the 4 investigations for thyroid? TFT, CBC, CL, US, Biopsy Radionuclide scan
- Name some causes of primary hypothyroidism? hashimoto, iodine deficiency, thyroidectomy, radiation therapy
- What’s the commonest cause of hypothy? hashimoto
- What’s the effect of amiodarone on thyroid? hypo, hyper, or euthyroid
- Name another drug which can cause hypo? ?
- Which antibodies in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? anti TPO
- Name some features of hypothy? …
- What is myxedema? Edema, deposition?, not all patient have it
- In a hypothyroid patient what do you see in CBC, electrolytes & lipid profile? microcytic anemia, hyponatremia, high CL
- What does thyroid scan show in Hashimoto’s? decrease uptake
- Can thyroxine tab. Be given during pregnancy? yes
- After starting thyroxine, when should you recheck TFTs? 6wk ⇒ every year
- Treatment of myxedema coma? i.v. thyroxin, O2, saline fluids, iv glucose, steroids
- What is prim. Hyperthy? Thyroid
- What is sec. hyperthyroidism? brain
- Name 4 causes of hyperthyroidism? graves, toxic nodule, de quarvian
- What’s the commonest cause? graves
- What is De Quervain’s thyroiditis? viral
- What is thyrotoxicosis factitial? quacks
- Which antibody is diagnostic for Grave’s? TRAM
- What kind of myopathy do you see in hyperthy? HIP, Soulder, proximal myopathy
- What are the scan findings in : Grave’s, Toxic multinodular goiter, De Quervain”s thyroiditis? Diffused high uptake, multiple, all
- Name 3 features which are specific for Grave’s only? exophalmos, clubbing, pretibial myxedema
- TSH low, ft4 high, fT3 high. What is this? primary
- TSH high, fT4 high, fT3 high. What’s this? secondary
- What is the symptomatic treatment for hyperthy? BB
- Name 3 specific treatments for hyperthyroidism? Drugs, Iodine, Surgical
- Which treatment is curative? Surgery
- Name 2 antithyroid drugs? Methimazole, PTU
- Which drug is the drug of first choice? carb
- Which drug is safe in pregnancy? no radioiodine
- Can you radio iodine treatment in pregnancy? .No
- Side effect of radio-iodine treatment? may result thyroid damage in neonate
- What is the cause of De Quervain’s thyroiditis? viral infection
- Which of these will you use for De Quervain’s, Carbimazole or radio iodine?
- What is the treatment for De Quervain’s? bb, nsaids, predinsolone
- What’s the scan finding in De Quervain’s? less uptake